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All Climbing

Everything climbing and the outdoors.

Small change to Climbing Blog Focus series

Author: 4 Comments Share:

I’m announcing a little bit of a change on All Climbing’s newest series – Climbing Blog Focus. In addition to my own climbing blog surfing, many bloggers have contacted me to include their blogs as well.

To be honest, I have now found so many I don’t think I can do them justice in the short posts I was planning on making.

Instead, I’m going to write up summary posts covering several of these blogs each time with a brief description.

I feel this will still achieve my dual goal of exposing my readers to new content as well as promoting these blogs for their owners.

As always, let me know what you think and continue to send in those suggestions.

Previous Article

Climbing Magazine’s pro blogs aren’t

Next Article

Climbing Blog Focus: Climbing Narcissist


  1. Hi Tom,

    Maybe what you’re looking for is the FeedWordPress plugin?

    It reads the feeds from other peoples blogs and reposts them on your own (this is called syndicating).
    You can still give credit to the original author and blog though.
    You can also set it up so that each feed has an image associated with it that is placed at the side of the post.

    Here’s a link to a post about it on my own blog:

  2. Hey there. Just stumbled across your blog, and now I have a lot of back reading to do.

    Just recently resumed climbing after a few years off due to illness. But I found myself in Prescott AZ recently, and too many things just asking to be climbed. So back into climbing I go.

    Left a link to my site, and specifically the climbing category for you.

    Thanks for taking the time to develop this site!


  3. @ShadyCraig thanks for the suggestion, but I’m not interested in syndicating blog content (at least not right now – I have some ideas in the works)

    I’m more interested in highlighting new and interesting climbing related blogs without reposting links and content.