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Review of the climbing film Spray

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From the diary of a [newbie] rock climber, we get a great review of the premier of Spray:

one thing that will strike you about this movie is the emphasized pairing of music with climbing problems. at times you feel like you are watching segmented 4 minute music videos. the pairings work mostly. there were times however when i wished i could just hear the ocean and nothing else. someone should compile a cd of the movieâ??s tracks though. the songs would make for a great climbing road trip album.

my one criticism of the film is that i wish it had taken more risks with its story lines. i also wanted lindner and especially kinder to be complex characters. at one point lindner starts talking about how his father broke his back trad climbing and how that influenced chrisâ??s decision to focus on sport climbing. i was intrigued by the possibility of this narrative but was a bit disappointed by its cursory treatment. similarly, i wish joe had been a bit more vulnerable and raw in his conversations. he gets close to this point when talking about how chris sharma inspired him by climbing surf safari (5.14) at age 14 but the exposure is brief. i guess i was hoping for a little less spray.

I haven’t seen the film yet. Anyone else have thoughts on Spray?

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Quick Sends – 2/11/08


  1. Review is up now. Overall it was a good movie but it did have a few drawbacks. Namely the interviews with climbers that don’t always have much interesting to say!