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All Climbing

Everything climbing and the outdoors.

Announcing a Climbing Meetup with Steph Davis

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On February 12th, accomplished climber and author Steph Davis is coming to Boulder to give a slideshow presentation at Neptune Mountaineering.

The following day, on Friday, February 13 at 7pm, All Climbing is hosting a meetup / welcoming party with Andrew Hyde (a startup guru in Boulder) for Steph. Andrew is a good friend of Steph’s and helped setup her blog. We share a common interest in mingling the techology and climbing communities.

The location is still to be determined, but we’re currently taking names of those interested in attending. If you’d like to come, please sign up here.

Also, if there are any other organizations out there that would like to help sponsor this event, please contact me.

I know some climbers will be in town for the ABS Nationals at The Spot and if you have some time I hope you can join us for this meetup with Steph.

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